Bounce Gymnastics
Gymnastics club in Girraween, Gymnastics in Girraween, 2145

Bounce Gymnastics
Fees Policy
Policy Name: Bounce Gymnastics Fees Policy
Controlling Body: Bounce Gymnastics
Statement of Commitment
Bounce Gymnastics Club is committed to providing an up-to-date facility with the highest quality equipment and services. To achieve these objectives, the club must implement fees and charges for its services and facilities.
2. Policy Application
This policy applies to the Bounce Gymnastics Management, staff, volunteers and all users of the club’s facilities and classes.
3. Policy Coverage
This policy serves to cover all fee development, invoicing, collection and receipting for Bounce Gymnastics Club.
4. Roles and Responsibilities
Club Owner
Handle any disagreements, arguments & complaints associated with fees, payments & refunds.
Determine the fees for each calendar year.
Determine the procedures for invoicing, collecting and receipting of the fees.
Determine the procedures for collecting overdue fees.
Approve all refunds within the guidelines of this policy.
Accounts Manager
Ensure all staff are following the correct procedures.
Handle any disagreements, arguments and complaints associated with fees, payments & refunds.
Collect & receipt fees paid by card & bank transfer.
Send reminders for payments due – statements.
Staff & Volunteers
Collect & receipt fees paid by card and cash.
Document all payments.
Follow up unpaid fees
Provide up-to-date records of received and outstanding fees and payments.
Responsible for payment of all fees owed to Bounce Gymnastics Club as per the rules outlined in this policy.
5. Policy Rules, Breaches and Consequences
The Club Owner will undertake a review of all fees charged by the club when determining the annual financial budget for the year ahead. Factors that must be considered are:
Viability of classes offered.
Range of activities available to the public.
Insurances and affiliation.
Employment and wages.
Operational costs.
Maintenance and upgrades to current facilities.
The fees for the forthcoming year will be distributed to the members annually.
Class pricing is determined according to how many hours are trained per week. Extra events are charged seperately.
All members must pay the Gymnastics New South Wales Affiliation Fee relevant to their type of membership each calendar year. Those joining on or after 1st October are charged a reduced rate. Please note this charge is billed separately, and is in addition, to your class fees.
As members of an affiliated club, Bounce Gymnastics gymnasts are covered by Gymnastics Australia’s insurance program.
Term Accounts are for all members who participate in any class.
General Community/Non-members
This covers all other community groups, sporting bodies and gymnastics clubs wishing to hire the clubs facilities and/or coaches. Birthday party groups and new people participating in a trial class are considered general community as well.
All fees will be added as classes are booked. Levels bookings will be completed by the Club’s administrators. Fees are viewable in the Jackrabbit Parent Portal. Reminder statements will be sent in intervals.
Please note: Accounts are not issued. Charges and previous payments can be viewed by logging into the Jackrabbit Parent Portal. You can access the parent portal from our website or our Bounce Gymnastics app.
Term Accounts
A full term is charged when the member books their classes for the new term. A pro rata fee is charged thereafter. Enrolment is based on the current year and fees are calculated as follows: cost of the class multiplied by the number of classes in the term. If commencing throughout the term, your first payment is pro rata, with normal term billing for future terms. Fees can, and will, be corrected in good faith should an error occur in billing as soon as practical after the error is detected.
Participation in a school holiday program will incur a separate fee.
Competitive Accounts
Bookings will be rolled over 2 weeks prior to the end of the previous term. Payments must be paid in full by the 1st week of each new term by all members.
A full term is charged from one term to the next, unless indicated otherwise. A pro rata fee is charged for mid-term initial enrolments.
Participation in a school holiday program will incur a separate fee.
Gymnastics New South Wales Affiliation Fee
This fee will appear on the first invoice a member receives each year.
General Community Accounts
Invoices will be issued upon completion of the event/contract, unless otherwise determined by the Club Owner.
Please see Birthday Party documentation for specific parties' policy.
Payment for all fees may be by cash, direct deposit/bank transfer, EFTPOS, or credit card. Documentation will be made immediately, and payment being documented in the system at end of day. Bank transfers may be used for payments, however YOUR CHILD’S FULL NAME MUST BE IN THE DESCRIPTION on the payment as payment is made.
Receipts will be issued via email following payment once put into our system.
Term fees are to be paid in full by week 1 of each term, before their first class of the term.
General community accounts are to be paid upon booking of the event, within 14 days of the date of invoice, unless it is a casual visit. Casual visits should be paid on the same day of visiting or in advance.
Any card transactions will incur a 2% service charge, regardless on the type of card.
AMEX or Diners Club are NOT accepted.
Events must be paid for before or at the start of the event.
No gymnast will be allowed to participate in training or competition whilst fees are outstanding.
Fees can be made in instalments in advance to a child’s first class. These instalments can be made in any increments desired and as often as desired. As long as fees are paid in full before the due date.
Credits will be kept on account until used by the account holder
A reminder statement will be issued to all members with overdue fees & upcoming fees nearing the due date.
If payment is not forthcoming, a phone call will be made by the club. Any further participation in classes at the club will cease until fees are paid in full.
The club can be contacted, via email, to discuss payment plans if required.
Please note: We DO NOT refund fees, which is why we offer trial classes.
If a class is cancelled by the club, a pro rata adjusted credit of term fees will be made to your account.
If a recreation member misses a class, a make-up class can be organised within a 2 month period. IF the make-up class cannot be attended by you before the expiry date, then your payment for that class is forfeited. If an absence occurs during the term and your child is not returning in the next term, any missed classes will be forfeited
Make up classes can be extended for recreation students.
For Competitive students - A credit may be applied for in writing to the Club Owner if illness extends 3 or more weeks. Any such claim must be accompanied by a medical certificate.
Make up classes can be extended for recreation students.
For Competitive students - A credit may be applied for in writing to the Club Owner if illness extends 3 or more weeks. Any such claim must be accompanied by a medical certificate.
Family Holidays
Inability to attend due to holidays being taken during scheduled class times will not entitle the family to a refund or credit at any time. Make up classes can be offered to recreational gymnasts.
Ceasing at our Request
If the club discontinues a program, withdraws a position or requests a member be removed from a program, the members’ account will be given a pro rata adjusted credit or refund for the balance of fees.
Voluntary Withdrawal
Registration/Affiliation/Membership fees are non-refundable – the information below refers to class/term fees.
Should the member decide not to continue to the end of the term, the member will not receive a refund for any unused portion of fees.
Competitive members who intend to withdraw from class must inform management 2 weeks prior to the end of the term in writing (an email is acceptable). Failure to do this will mean the following term fees will be due. Registration/Affiliation/Membership fees are non-refundable.
Absence due to suspension as a disciplinary measure will not entitle the member to any make up classes, refund or credit as a position in the class is being held for that person whilst on suspension. Should the member withdraw from the program during a period of suspension, the usual Voluntary Withdrawal Policy will apply (see above).
Clothing & Merchandise
No refunds or credit will be given for merchandise or clothing purchased in the club. However, exchanges may be made within a 14-day period if goods are damaged or are the incorrect size and have not been worn or washed & they still have their tags attached.
6. Confidentiality and Reporting
The Bounce Gymnastics management and administration are responsible for implementing this policy and will keep confidential the names and details of all members and their payments unless disclosure is necessary for entry to competitions, insurance purposes, by Gymnastics NSW, or as part of the disciplinary or corrective process in the event of a breach of policy.
A report of all received and outstanding fees will be completed by the club administrators at the end of each term and provided to the Club Manager for review.
Please note that if you leave Bounce Gymnastics with outstanding fees, it will be reported to GymNSW/Gymnastics Australia and athletes will not be permitted to participate in other registered gymnastics programs (at other clubs) until the outstanding debt is paid.
APPENDIX 1: Term Fees
Annual insurance/membership fee (due only once in the year) – This fee is non-refundable
Please note – No refunds on class fees or membership fees.
For returning Bounce Gymnastics members from the previous year, the insurance fee and full fees must be paid before the first class to ensure that classes and schedules can commence promptly.
Booked in means that a participant has secured a spot in their desired class.
A recreation participant must be “booked in” to a class in two ways -
Booked in class for the new term and
Payment of full-term fee.
Bookings are cancelled when children are absent without notification and fees are not paid in full (including if absent on week 1). Please inform us if you are going to be absent (particularly on week 1 if fees have not been paid in full). This can be done through the parent portal.
A competitive participant at the beginning of the year must confirm with Bounce Gymnastics of their return for the new year. A Levels participants’ spot in class will be carried over from term to term unless they have otherwise indicated in person (at front desk), by phone or in writing (email). Failure to indicate the decision to leave a Bounce Gymnastics competitive program, within 2 weeks of the end of term will result in the term payment being due for the following term.
Members need to pay by their first class of the term. If fees are not paid, the member risks losing their spot in the class. Students will not be allowed on the floor until the fees are paid in full.
If there is a spot available in a class, a person may start mid-term. If commencing mid-term, a pro rata term fee will be due. The membership/insurance fee will also be due before the student’s first class of each year.
A person can book into classes to “try” a class before paying any fees. The fee for this class will be included in the fees due if they wish to continue.
Persons must book in for a class using our online system on our website before attending any class at Bounce Gymnastics.
Please indicate to staff how the trial went and if you would like to return, and ask any other question you would like.
Payment is due before attending the 2nd class to secure a student’s position.
If you don’t wish to continue, please notify us either via email, in person or by phone to let us know you won’t be coming back. The fees will then be deleted from our system.
Make up sessions are only available for recreation and kindergym students.
Make up sessions are available providing there is a suitable class and space available in that class.
Make up sessions are only available within a 2 month period given that your child is currently booked in for the term they wish to do the make up class.
Fees are forfeited if a person cannot make it to class for any reason, there will be no credits. This includes sick days, holidays and religious days.
Make up sessions must be arranged through the parent portal via the website or Bounce Gymnastics App.
If a person is seriously ill or injured (longer than 3 weeks) and is supported by a medical certificate, that person may apply to have their fees credited to the following term.
Notice to club management is required, in writing as soon as the injury or illness occurs. Please see the Illness or Injury Policy – Fees, for more information.
Changing days/classes once term has commenced is permissible, if there is a spot available, however this will depend on vacancies in other classes. Extra fees or credit will need to be applied if one of the classes falls on a public holiday
A person may be asked by staff to change class mid-term if they need to upgrade their class or if we need to cancel a class. If the cost of the class fee differs then arrangements can be made for a refund/credit/additional payment – depending on the circumstances.
Please ensure you are on time for your child’s class. Children late for class will join in when they arrive, and finish at the same time as the rest of the class.
If a gymnast, on repeat occasions, is not collected within 5 minutes of the end of their class, a late pickup fee may be applied. This fee will be calculated at $15 for every 15 minutes, or part thereof and the charge added to their account. If you find being on time to collect your child an ongoing issue, please contact the office to see if we can offer a class time that better suits your schedule.
Due to the inconvenience and disruption caused to coaches and administrative staff by late parental pickup, we reserve the right to amend your enrolment if the situation is not resolved and continues.
If advertised classes are not filled, classes may be cancelled by management. Notice will be given, and all effort will be made to try to place any displaced athletes in appropriate classes.
Fees can be paid via the following methods:
Bank deposit
Eftpos (Fees apply - 2% processing fee added to your transaction)
APPENDIX 2: Competitive Fees
Financial Commitment for Competitive Squad Fee Payment.
Membership/Insurance Fees – This is an annual gymnastic fee that everyone pays regardless of what gym sport an athlete is participating in. This fee is non-refundable
Class fees – Must be paid by the first class of each term in advance of the coming term. Fees can be paid weekly or fortnightly, as long as they are paid in full by the first class of each term. Fees are due in full regardless of attendance during each term. Being absent and then asking to be excused from paying fees is not acceptable. Notice will be given of the intent to run school holiday sessions prior to the holidays. It is the responsibility of squad members to indicate their intent to train, or not, by booking into the sessions online.
Comp Fees – Must be paid by the due date of the competition entry date (usually 6 weeks prior). There are usually 2 trials and State Championships – there may also be other comps and events.
Leotard Hire – Must be paid before each competition of the season.
Uniform Fees – All athletes must have an appropriate uniform, which may include a tracksuit/hoodie and a polo shirt to wear at events.
Please ensure that you have read and are familiar with the Bounce Gymnastics Fee Policy.
Fees are still due if major events fall on days of normal training e.g., State, Nationals for those athletes attending this event, as coaching staff need to be available. Athletes not attending for reasons of non-qualification, or similar will still have training available to them.
Late fees will be charged for late payment of fees, members may be suspended from training if the outstanding fee situation is not rectified.
There are no regular afternoon classes currently held during the government school holidays, only holiday clinics which are an optional extra.
Public Holidays: Classes are not held on public holidays. Gymnasts who have a class that falls on a public holiday will not be charged for this lesson in the term fees.
Sibling Discount: The Club offers families a sibling discount, applied to the lesser of the tuition fees. This reduction in tuition fees is 5% for a second gymnast, 7.5% for a third gymnast and 10% for a fourth gymnast.