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Bounce Gymnastics
Smoke Free Policy

1. STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT                                                                                                                     

Bounce Gymnastics Smoke Free Policy provides a healthy, smoke free environment at all the club’s facilities.


Bounce Gymnastics has a key role in the promotion of healthy lifestyles and practices and should be a public example of a healthy and progressive organisation.


Bounce Gymnastics recognises that passive smoking, which is exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) can have detrimental health effects for non-smokers. Bounce Gymnastics recognises that a smoke free environment protects non-smokers from the harmful effects of environmental tobacco smoke and also contributes to reducing tobacco consumption levels.


Bounce Gymnastics has an obligation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985, Section 21 – “To provide and maintain so far is practicable for employees a working environment that is safe and without risks to health”


2. PURPOSE                                                                                                                                                            

The aim of Bounce Gymnastics Smoke Free Policy is to provide a smoke free environment for non-smokers and a pleasant, cleaner environment for all

The specific goals of the policy are to:

  • Reduce the health risks associated with smoking and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke

  • Provide a healthier, cleaner and safer work environment

  • Decrease the potential risk of litigation associated with discomfort or disease caused by environmental tobacco smoke in the workplace, thus avoid the potential costs associated with litigation

  • Encourage quitting attempts & discourage the uptake of smoking – particularly by the young


3. POLICY APPLICATION AND COVERAGE                                                                                                       

The policy applies to all people within Bounce Gymnastics facilities including employees, members, participants, contractors, volunteers and visitors. The policy covers all Bounce Gymnastics facilities including the building, vehicles and outdoor areas within the club’s boundaries.

  • All indoor and designated outdoor environments under the control of Bounce Gymnastics will be 100% smoke free.

  • All official functions (including dinners, presentations, fund-raising events, meetings, and social occasions) will be 100% smoke free.

  • Tobacco products will not be sold by Bounce Gymnastics or on any premises under its control.

  • Any person, either employed by or representing Bounce Gymnastics in any capacity will refrain from smoking whilst acting in an official capacity and/or in Bounce Gymnastics uniform.

  • Actively encourage and support affiliated clubs/associations to either adopt the Bounce Gymnastics Health Policies or develop and implement their own health policy.



Policy compliance will be facilitated through education, publicity, widespread promotion and reiteration of the policy

  • For staff, non-compliance will lead to the same disciplinary actions as for all other of Bounce Gymnastics policies. All staff members in supervisory positions are accountable for enforcing the policy amongst their staff

  • Those staff that choose to smoke, may only do so in their designated breaks, provided they are not on Bounce Gymnastics property or in Bounce Gymnastics uniform. They must bring a change of clothes to change into whilst smoking.

  • All staff members are responsible for encouraging adherence to the policy

  • All staff members are responsible for encouraging and enforcing the policy amongst visitors. Upon seeing members &/or visitors smoking within the boundaries of any of Bounce Gymnastics sites or any event, staff members are requested to ask visitors to extinguish their cigarette. If this is ineffective, they may be requested to leave the site. This procedure may not be effective in some cases, and so a common-sense approach is recommended

  • All staff members are responsible for educating their members about the Smoke Free Policy and encouraging adherence to the policy

5. CONFIDENTIALITY AND REPORTING                                                                                                           

  • Breaches of this policy must be reported to Bounce Gymnastics Management within 14 days of any occurrence

  • Breaches of this policy must be kept confidential and disclosure to any third party beyond Bounce Gymnastics Management is not permitted

6. OUTCOMES                                                                                                                                                         

Anticipated outcomes of Bounce Gymnastics Smoke Free Policy are as follows:

  • To enable cleaner air for all people at Bounce Gymnastics sites

  • Widespread awareness of the policy’s purpose and rationale

  • Promotion of Bounce Gymnastics as a leading example of a healthy and progressive organisation

  • Education of a smoke free environment to members.

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