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Bounce Gymnastics
Accounts Payable Policy


Accounts Payments Policy



  1. Policy Statement

Bounce Gymnastics is committed to providing a fair and supported environment to ensure accountability of Term Tuition Fees and Affiliations for Program involvement to ensure long term sustainability of the programs and service to members.

  1. Policy Application

This policy applies to all members of gymnastics programs that are of an ongoing term or nature. This is inclusive of Recreation Term Programs, Kindergym, Tumbling and Competitive Squad Programs.

  1. Policy Coverage

This policy is in place to ensure fair and equitable provision of programs to all Gymnastics athlete members.

Affiliation Fees

Participants of Gymnastics Programs are required to affiliate with Gymnastics NSW & Australia when they are enrolled in a structured program with Bounce Gymnastics.

Affiliation is not required to Gymnastics Australia for Birthday parties, Schools Programs, Holiday Clinics and all other Casual Attendances as gazetted in the Gym NSW membership Policy.

The Annual NSW Gymnastics Membership fees are due in their entirety regardless of how long a gymnast stays at

the club. These fees are payable upon joining the program & are non-refundable. In order for an athlete to be insured and to compete in GNSW competitions, affiliation is compulsory, and is non-refundable.


Affiliation requirements with Gymnastics NSW and Gymnastics Australia is updated at the commencement of each year through the administration office for these programs.


Fee Payment Policy

Current Member returning to next term:

Instalment payments are accepted, as long as payment is received in full by the date of the first class.  Bookings are due prior to previous Term Program end.

New Members:

On joining as a new member to a program (not including casual programs) an athlete is required to make payment prior to your child’s 2nd class. All Application and Registration Forms are due prior to entering the first class.

Recreation Gymnastics Program Athlete:

If you have not arranged payment by your child’s first class for returning members, or 2nd class for new members, your booking will be removed to open it up to a waiting list candidate and your child will be sat out of their next class.

Competitive Program Returning Members:

Payment of an account is due prior to the first class of the term. Instalment payments are accepted, as long as payment is received in full by the due date. At week 2, your child will be sat out of programs until the fees are paid in full.



Makeup Classes:

Makeup classes are provided only due to absences from the Recreation Program, and must be actioned within 2 months of the missed class. There will be no credits for non-attendances. Make up classes must be booked through the Parent Portal.

Recreation Gymnasts will receive make up classes, to be taken upon return (valid for 2 months) and can carry over to the next term as long as it is taken before the expiry date.  You must visit your Parent Portal to book the make up classes.

All credits and make up classes can only be reviewed and approved by Management.


TRANSFERS into PROGRAMS: When an athlete is transferred into another program from their current position (whether internal or external transfer), a probationary period of 2 weeks is established to ensure both coach and athlete is confirmed that the new program is appropriate. The balance of tuition for the new program will be placed on account for payment at the commencement of week 1 of this new program and the previous class cancelled or former Club transfer actioned.


CLUB TRANSFERS, LEAVING THE CLUB, REFUNDS: It is recommended that if you decide to leave or transfer, that this be done at the end of a term. When accounts are paid, you are making a commitment to the term cycle of the Program. Therefore, no refund will be given for leaving the program after week 1 of a term.

Any outstanding fees will need to be settled with the club prior to any club transfer being approved. It is the responsibility of the transferring club to initiate the club transfer process in line with the transfer policy of Gymnastics Australia. Once this transfer is received, the club will process the transfer, if the member account is at zero. External transfers away from the club will require that all outstanding accounts be paid, in order for the transfer process to be approved.


Merchandise Sales:

Merchandise orders are the responsibility of the athlete/family to order with adequate time. Any club merchandise must be paid for at the time of order/purchase at reception. These include club bags, socks, grips, bike pants, strapping tape, training shorts/longs, etc.


Competition Entries:

All Competition Entries are the responsibility of the athlete’s families and are to be paid at reception before the closing date. Where attendance is prevented due to illness, a medical certificate should be supplied for forwarding to the event organized. An administration charge will be deducted prior to the refund being given. Competition entries include a cost to the club for leotard hire.


Events Expenses:

Athletes may be required to or invited to participate in events that present added costs to an athlete. Some of these events may be subsidsied fundraising organised by the gymnasts, but residual costs will remain the responsibility of each athlete & will be required prior to the event.



No Payment of Fees Policy:

New Member:

Payment of the Tuition and Affiliation is due prior to your child’s 2nd class of the program or your child will be cancelled from the program.


Returning Recreation Member:

Payment of the Tuition is due prior to your child’s 1st class of the program each term or your child will be cancelled from the program. Your child will be sat out of programs if fees are not paid in full by the due date.


Competitive Program Athlete:

Your child will be sat out of programs if fees are not paid in full by the due date.



Payment Options:

Option 1:       Bank Transfer – you MUST put your Child’s Name as the reference.

Option 2:       Visit the gym during Office Hours and pay CASH.

Option 3:       Visit the gym or call and pay over the phone or during Office Hours and pay by card. All card transactions incur a 2% processing fee.


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